DIESEL LOCO - Checking Of Locomotive

DIESEL LOCO - Checking Of Locomotive

Checking of loco is essential for safe operation. It should be carried out with in specified condition and time. It is carried out united by Loco pilot and Assistant loco pilot in following ways

- A) Examination Of Locomotive Before Leaving The Shed While Engine Is In Shut Down Condition 

- a) In Loco Pilot Cab - 

1. Read the repair book and trip card.

2. Check the following safety items-

  • Wooden wedges-4 
  • Fire extinguisher-4 
  • Spare Hose pipe, BP pipe, feed pipe
  • Spare screw coupling 
  • Spare dome light bulb. 
  • L-rod 
  • Portable field telephone set. 
  • Look out glass should be clean and intact. 
  • Speedometer with graph roll. 
  • Spare VRR Fuse. 

3. Read all the instructions pasted on loco.

4. Ensure that hand brake is applied.

5. Ensure both MH on idle and RH is removed.

6. Ensure all gauges are intact with glass.

7. All switches of emergency trouble shooting box should be in normal position.

8. GR switches should be sealed.

9. Ensure availability of spare VRR fuse.

10. MCO should be in ‘All-in’ position and sealed.

b) In Nose Compartment - 

1. COC of NSI reducing valve should be open.

2. COC of Horn and wiper should be open.

3. Ensure drain cock of control reservoir is closed.

4. C3W distributor valves isolating handle is in service and check P&G
handle position.

5. Ensure that MU2B valve in LEAD position.

6. Ensure that 3/4 inch COC in OPEN position

c) In Alternator Room - 

1. Ensure that oil level is sufficient in generator gear case.

2. Ensure sufficient electrolyte level in battery.

d) In Engine Room - 

1. Check items related to engine governor.

2. Check level of lube oil.

3. Ensure that OSTA is in reset condition.

4. All tappet and FIP cover should be intact and tight.

5. Cross over linkage pin is intact.

6. Lube oil strainer drain cock is closed and tied with wire.

e) In Compressor Room - 

1. Check the oil level in compressor sump.

2. LWS test cock is open.

3. EPG Gov. COC is open.

4. Water drain cock is closed and tied with wire.

f) In Radiator Room - 

1. Check the water level in expansion tank.

2. Drain COC of Lube oil filter drum are closed and tied with wire.

3. Number of belts of RTTM is six.

 g) In Under Truck - 

1. Marker light is intact.

2. Operate CBC and check its working.

3. Ensure COC of BP, FP, BC EQ, MR EQ pipe is intact, closed and their washers are fitted properly.

4. Vacuum hose pipe washer is properly fitted and kept on dummy.

5. Ensure bolts of Rail guard are tight.

6. Ensure Cattle guard foundation is intact and there should be no crack.

7. Ensure buffer foundation bolts are intact.

8. Ensure all the sand pipes are fitted with proper fitment.

9. Ensure availability of sand in all sand boxes.

10. Ensure axle box stay plate bolts are intact.

11. Safety sling of brake cross tie bar should be intact

12. Brake hanger pin should be intact.

13. Brake pull rod J. bracket is intact.

14. Helical springs are intact.

15. D-shackle.

16. Equalizer safety pin.

17. Safety pin of Equalizer link pin.

18. TM nose suspension pad and its guide bolts. 

19. TM gear case ‘C’ clamp and its flange bolts.

20. TM foundation bolts.

21. Suspensions bearing housing bolts.

22. Both bogies COC is open.

23. No skidding marks on wheel tyre

24. Check 1¼” COC.

25. J filter COC is open.

26. MR-1, MR-2, J-filter and Add. J-filter drain cock is closed.

27. Axle Generator foundation bolt are tied and secured with chain.

28. Condition of TM air bellows.

29. Ensure proper fitting of all brake block, brake shoe and slack adjuster.

30. Ensure screw coupling are available at both end.

31. Ensure there should be no leakage from fuel tank and its drain plug.

32. Ensure both filling cap of fuel tank are tied.

33. Air dryer should be in service.

34. Check all oiling points.

Start the Engine and Check The Following 

a) In loco pilot cab 

1. Ensure Fuel oil pressure – 4.2 kg/cm

2. BA should indicate charging side.

3. Ensure no indication lamp is glowing.

4. MR pressure should be regulating between 8 to 10 kg/cm².

5. Adjust BC pressure on 3.0 kg/cm².

6. Adjust BP pressure on 5.0 kg/cm².

7. Ensure FP pressure is 6.0 kg/cm².

8. There should be no air leakage in control stand.

9. Ensure Head light, flasher light and marker light are working.

10. Ensure wipers, horns and sanders are working condition.

11. Ensure dropping and recreation of BP pressure.

12. Ensure application and releasing of Loco brake.

13. Check hand brake operation.

14. Ensure control air pressure is 5 kg/cm².

b) Nose compartment

 There is no air leakage.

c) ) Generator Room 

There is no any abnormal sound.

d) Engine Room 

1. There is no any abnormal sound.
2. Ensure is no leakage from Exhaust elbow.
3. There is no leakage of oil.
4. Checks lube oil level.
5. There is no leakage of water.

e) compressor Room 

1. Ensure there is no abnormal sound.
2. Ensure needle valve is projected.
3. There is no oil and water leakage.
4. Check water temperature.

f) Radiator Room 

1. There is no any abnormal sound.

2. There is no oil and water leakage

g) Under Truck 

1. Check the operation of loco brake cylinder.

2. Check CCM exhaust.

3. Remove all wooden wedges and kept in cab.

 Perform the Following Operation in Pilot Cab 

1. Insert the reverse handle.
2. Raise the engine and ensure there is no abnormal sound from generator, engine, and Expresser and radiator room, also ensure that there is no leakage of water and oil.
3. Check the fuel oil and lube oil pressure.

 Following Test to Be Done

1. Leak off test
2. Orifice test
3. Loco brake test
4. Changes taking place during dynamic braking.
5. Loco movement according to reverser handle.

In Moving Train 

Ensure speedometer is working. Observe after every half an hour

1. Fuel oil pressure
2. Lube oil pressure
3. Booster air pressure
4. BA reading.
5. Water temperature.
6. Loco motive speed.
7. Ensure no indication lamp is glowing.
8. Keep watch on all the gauges.
9. Watch any hammering sound from under truck.
10. During the time of transition check the speed.
11. Observe the smoke coming out of chimney.
12. Ensure that MR pressure cut in, cut out is properly.
13. Look back frequently.

After The Train Is Stopped 

1. Check coupling between Loco and load.
2. Check temperature of all axle boxes.
3. Drain out the moisture of MR1, MR2 and J-filter.
4. Ensure Loco brakes are applied.
5. Check CCM exhaust pipe.
6. Check Engine fuel oil and lube oil level.
7. Check Water level.
8. Check all the safety fittings.
9. Check any leakage from any where.
10. Check needle valve is projected.