DIESEL LOCO - Procedure for Stabling Loco

DIESEL LOCO -  Procedure for Stabling Loco

1. Loco to be stop after clearing fouling mark.
2. Apply loco brake by SA-9.
3. Apply hand brake.
4. Apply wooden wedges/Iron skids.
5. Shut down the engine properly and put off all circuit breakers and switches.
6. Remove A9, SA9 handle in application position and RH in neutral position.
7. Entries to be made in repair book and trip card.
8. Handover repair book, trip card, A9, SA9 and Reverser handle to on duty authorized employee. Authorized employee is lobby, station, yard, shed supervisor.

 Hauling Of Dead Loco 

Whenever loco is not able to move with its own power is called dead loco. To clear dead loco with working loco, attach it with working loco through CBC and following changes to be done on it

1. Drain out all reservoir pressure.
2. Keep MU2B on ‘DEAD’.
3. Close ¾” coc.
4. Remove A9, SA-9 handle in release position.
5. Remove RH in neutral position.
6. Close banking coc.
7. Put ‘OFF’ all circuit breakers and switches.

Couple BP, FP, BC & MR equalizing and vacuum hose pipes and open COC,angle COC between the working and dead loco . Ensure application and releasing of loco brake in both the loco.

 If BC & MR equalizing pipe is not available then work the dead loco as a piped vehicle.

 Procedure for Clearing Dead Loco in Rear of Train 

(Letter no. 2000/M [L]/466/803/Pt. Dated 28/06/2006)

 Whenever vacuum train pipe/ BP or its angle cock is broken in dead loco, if straight air brake dead loco is required to couple with vacuum brake train then it can not be worked as a piped vehicle. Such type of locos is required to couple in rear of train and fulfill following condition

1. Only one dead loco is to be coupled.
2. Sectional gradient should not be more than 1:100. 
3. On dead loco minimum one ALP or a person above this grade is nominated who belongs to running cadre with walkie-talkie, hand flag, detonator. The nominated person should put on flasher light and apply hand brakes if dead loco is uncoupled.

Oil Checking Points in loco

1. Fuel oil tank capacity is 6000 litter and both side fuel oil glow rod is provided having marking from 600/1000 to 6000 liter. Average of both side glow rod oil level to be noted, minimum fuel oil level should not be less than 1000 liter.

 2. Each axle having two suspension bearing, housing, each housing has oil cap and it is to be ensured that oil is available in the cap.

3. Each traction motor gear case having filling cap which should be tied with nut and bolt and no oil leakage.

4. Dipstick gauge is provided on engine right side in generator room to check the generator gear case oil level; it should be above minimum mark.

5. EH governor has two spy glasses, bottom one should be full and top one should be more than half. WW governor has glass tube to check oil level it should be above marking provided on the tube.

6. A dipstick gauge is provided to check oil level of engine lube oil sump. It has marking from 0 to 600 liter. To check oil level engine should be on idle and CCM is in running.

7. Spy glass and dipstick gauge are provided in compressor, dipstick having 5 marking oil should be above three marks. Engine should be shut down before checking the oil level while checking with dipstick gauge.