KNORR’s Computer Controlled Brake System 

In some WAG-9 locos KNORR type brake system is provided which is different from conventional brake system of WAG-9 locos. In conventional loco, loco get failed in case of brake electronics failure. But in this loco, block section can be cleared by 10 KMPH in case of failure of brake electronics. 


1) Pilot lamp panel One panel of 6 pilot lamps is provided beside panel-C which is as under: 

a)Exclusive Flow : This is a Red colored pilot lamp, glows when MR pressure is less. 

b) PCR open : This is a Red colored pilot lamp, glows when BP pressure is less. 

c) PER action: This is a Green colored pilot lamp, glows when PTDC (Pneumatic Time Dependent Control) is in service.

d) EAB fail : This is a Yellow colored pilot lamp, glows when brake electronics failed and PTDC in service. 

e) P-16 action: This is a Green colored pilot lamp, glows when DV is isolated. 

f) SIFA cut off: This is a Yellow colored pilot lamp, glows when coc 74 is closed 

2) Changes in Auto brakes and Direct Brakes: In case of conventional system, A-9 / SA-9 handle has to be operated from left to right, but in this system handle has to be operated forward and backward like throttle. Both valves are provided on left side of loco pilot on control stand. 

a)SA-9 Direct Brake:-SA-9 has two positions; Applied and Release. One spring loaded clip called “ Bail Ring “is provided below the handle of SA-9. If this clip pressed and released, synchronized brakes get released very fast where as brakes get released gradually if PVEF is pressed. 

b) A-9 Auto brake: A-9 handle can be locked or unlocked in FS (Full service) position by a key provided in each cab and coupled with a chain. Non-driving P/ZRTI-BSL 63 cab A-9 is kept on FS-locked condition where as driving cab A-9 is kept in RUN condition. While clearing loco as dead both A-9 are to be kept on FS-locked condition. A-9 handle has following 5 positions. 

i) REL-Release: In this position BP pressure is over charged to 5.5 kg/cm2 and drop down automatically after some times with restricted flow to 5.0 kg/cm2 . This position is used for quick releasing of BP. 

ii) RUN: This is the normal position of A-9 on which BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2 . At the time of recharging after application, BP is overcharged by 0.2 kg/cm2 at this position for short time. 

iii) MIN.(Minimum Reduction): BP pressure remains 4.5 kg/cm2 . 

iv) FS (Full Service): BP pressure drops to 3.0 kg/cm2 . A-9 handle can be locked or unlocked in this position. 

v) EMER. (Emergency): BP drops to zero kg/cm2 on this position. 

c) Mode switch: One rotating switch called mode switch is provided in each cab below SA-9 valve. This is spring-loaded switch and can be operated by pressing downward. This switch has following 4 positions. 

i) HLPR: While using loco as banker, this switch should be kept at Help position on this mode in addition to ZBAN at ON. 

ii)TRL (TRAIL): In non-driving cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on TRL position. 

iii) LEAD: In driving cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on LEAD position, then BP will be charged 5.0 kg/cm2 . 

iv)TEST:In this position BP leakage test is done. When this switch is kept on TEST position, Loco brakes get applied. This switch should be kept on lead position immediately after testing. 

d)Pneumatic Time dependent Control (PTDC): 

In this loco SA-9 and A-9 are governed by brake electronics. In case of failure of brake electronics train can be worked by max.10 KMPH by PTDC. This is provided in each cab near A-9 / SA-9 and has following 2 positions. 

i) Release and 

ii) Apply. 

PTDC is having one coc, which should always be in open condition. procedure of clearing block section by using PTDC:  Bring throttle to “0” 

Open the DJ, Lower the panto and switch OFF CE. 

Trip the MCB 127.7 (SB-2) and ensure that MCB 127.15 (SB-2) is in ON condition. 

On Pneumatic panel, Close PB-BUS cock & PER-COS from horizontal to vertical position. 

Keep A-9 of working cab on RUN.  If BPFA is glowing, then acknowledge the fault. 

Switch ON to CE and raise Panto, close VCB (DJ) 

Keep PTDC on release position and ensure that BP is 5.0 kg/cm2 and BC is “0” kg/cm2 . 

 If BC pressure does not come to ‘0’ then release by distributor valve. To apply / release auto brakes keep PTDC handle to apply or release as per requirement and clear the block section by 10 KMPH. 

CHANGES IN UNDER TRUCK: BC-1 & BC-2 cocs are not provided in under truck. These cocs are black in color and provided at the bottom of brake manifold in machine room. Normally these coc should be vertical (Open). 

CHANGES IN PNEUMATIC PANEL IN MACHINE ROOM: Pneumatic panel is divided into two parts. 

 Air Brake Manifold. 
 Auxiliary manifold. 

1) Air Brake Manifold: 

a) Parking Brake Back Up Switch – (PB-BUS): This is a black colored switch; normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. But in case of PTDC mode or clearing loco as dead, this switch should be kept closed (Vertical) to release the parking brakes. 

B) Pneumatic Equalizing Reservoir Cut Off Switch – (PER-COS): This is a black colored switch; normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. But in case of PTDC mode this switch should be kept vertical. 

C) Parking Brake Reservoir Cut Off Switch – (PBR-COS): This is a black colored switch; normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. Maintenance staff uses this switch. P/ZRTI-BSL 65 

D) Parking Brake Pneumatic Disable switch- (PB-PDS) This is a black colored switch; normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. In case of parking brakes malfunctioning maintenance staff uses this switch and kept vertical along with PBR - COS. 

E) SIFA-74 (Vigilance exhaust coc): This is yellow colored coc. Normally this coc should be kept down ward but while clearing loco, as dead this coc should be kept upward. 

F) BC- & BC-2 coc:- These are bogie-isolating coc. 

G) DV (Distributor valve): 

2) Auxiliary Manifold: Following cocs are provided on this manifold. 

a) WFL:- Pressure switch for wheel flange lubrication. 

b)TC1 & TC2:- Pressure switch for traction converter-1 & 2 

c)KABA KEY:- Loco grounding key. 

d)FC:- Harmonic filter contactor pressure switch. 

e)PAN1&2:-Pressure switch for Panto1 & panto2. 

f)VCB:-Pressure switch for VCB. 

g)VESA1 & VESA2:-Pressure switch for sanders. 

h)136:- Pressure coc for Feed Pipe. 

i)47:-cock for dead loco (normally closed) 

j)Panto selector switch:-for selection of panto (same as conventional)(coc position of a to f switch should be horizontal. COC position of h & I should be vertical.)


1)Energizing of cab:-Loco should be energized as conventional 3 phase loco, but ensure following:

i) A-9 handle of driving loco should be at RUN, where as that of nondriving cab should be at FS in locked condition.

 ii) Mode switch is at LEAD in driving cab, and at TRAIL in non-driving cab.

 iii)Energize the loco as per normal position. 

iv)For charging BP move A-9 to FS for 10 seconds and then keep it to RUN position. BP will be charged by 3.0 kg/cm2 

v)Ensure that parking brakes are released, if not then press BPPB.

vi)Keep A-9 from RUN to FS. Wait for 10 seconds, then again keep it to RUN and ensure that BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2 and BC is “0” kg/cm2 . 

vii)Every time after recharging BP will overcharge to 5.5 kg/cm2 at RUN position and then after some time become normal to 5.0 kg/cm2 . 

viii)For overcharging BP to 5.4 kg/cm2 ,operate A-9 to REL position.(If necessary) 

ix)For releasing synchronized loco brakes use Bail Ring for quick release or use PVEF for normal release. 

2.Procedure Of Cab Changing: 

i)Keep A-9 handle in FS and lock it and remove the key out side. 

ii)Keep the SA-9 in release and rotate MODE switch to trail position. 

iii)Open the DJ, lower the panto and switch off the CE. Remove the BL keyand go in another cab. 

iv)In another cab, Unlock A-9 handle and keep it on RUN condition. Operate Mode switch from TRAIL to LEAD. 

v)To charge BP, release parking brake and ensure charging of BP pressure. 

vi)Take these precautions every time while changing the cab. 

3.Parking brake – application & release. Whenever parking brakes are applied by CE or manually, every time penalty auto brakes will be applied along with parking brakes in which BP will drop to 3 kg/cm2 and loco brakes up to 2.5 kg/cm2 with Priority-1messageon screen. For recharging BP pressure, first release parking brakes and keep A-9 to FS position for 10 seconds. Again keep A-9 on RUN position and ensure that BP is recharged to 5.0 kg/cm

2 . Acknowledge the fault and work further. For applying parking brake manually, rotate switch PB-Bus from horizontal to vertical and for releasing vertical to horizontal. 

4.Vigilance penalty brakes: In this loco BP pressure is dropped by 3.0 kg/cm2 (in gauge 2.0 kg/cm2 ) on application of vigilance parking brakes. Do the following for resetting vigilance penalty brakes:

i) Keep throttle at “0”

ii) Wait for at least 2-3 minutes.

iii) Keep A-9 to FS, press BPVR for acknowledging fault message.

iv) Keep A-9 at RUN and ensure that BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2 and loco brakes are released.

v) Acknowledge the fault by BPFA and proceed further after ensuring pressure.

5)Action to be taken after Emergency Brake Application: Emergency penalty brakes applied when, emergency push button is pressed or due to over speeding or due to emergency application by A-9 / ALP Emergency valve, in which BP pressure drops to “0”. For releasing this penalty brake, keep A-9 to Emergency (EMER) for 10 seconds and again keep to RUN position, BP will charge to 5.0kg/cm2 then acknowledge the fault message and work further.

6)Service penalty brakes: Service penalty brakes apply automatically in following condition in which, BP is dropped to 3.0 kg/cm2 .

i)If BC-1 & BC-2 are isolated in locos “LEAD” mode.

ii)If any one coc of PB-PDS, PB-BUS, PB-R-COS is isolated. If all these switches are in isolated condition and BPPB is pressed then also penalty brakes will apply. To release service penalty brakes , normalize the above switches, keep A-9 to FS for 10 seconds and then again keep to RUN position and ensure BP to charge at 5.0 kg/cm2 .

7.Clearing loco as DEAD.

i)Keep the throttle at “0”. Open the DJ, lower the panto, and remove the BL by switching OFF CE.

ii)Keep the A-9 of both the cab in FS and remove the key after locking it.

iii)Keep both SA-9 handle at release and keep MODE switch at TRAIL.

iv)Open coc 47 (Dead loco) and close coc136 (FP) provided on auxiliary manifold. v)Keep PAN-1 & 2 (Auxiliary manifold) coc on vertical position.

vi)Close coc 74 SIFA (Vigilance) provided on pneumatic manifold by keeping upward.

vii)Switch OFF MCB 112.1 (in SB-2). Drain out the MR & AR.

viii) Couple the energize loco with dead loco and couple BP/FP pipes and open their angle cocks. ix)BC pressure should be ‘0’ and if not then release the distributor valve.

x)For application and releasing of brakes in dead locomotive rotate PB-BUS (air brake manifold) from horizontal to vertical. Ensure 5 kg/cm2 pressure in parking brake gauge.


a. COC number 70 of BP is not provided in this loco.

b. Solenoid valve no. 30 is not provided in this locomotive. Before clearing loco as dead ensure that parking brakes are released fully and parking brake gauge is showing 5 kg/cm2 pressure. Also ensure the same on run.