S.No Abbreviation Full Name
1. A9 Automatic brake valve
2. AG Auxiliary Generator
3. AC Alternating current
4. ACCR Armature current control reactor
5. AGFB Auxiliary Generator field breaker
7. AR Auxiliary reservoir
8. BA Battery ammeter
9. BAS Battery ammeter shunt
10. BAP Booster air pressure
11. BC Brake Cylinder
12. BHEL Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
13. BKBL Dynamic braking blower motor
14. BKR Braking relay
15. BKT Braking and Traction switch
16. BP Brake pipe
17. BS Battery knife switch
18. CB Circuit breaker
19. CBC Centre buffer coupler
20. CCM Crank case exhauster motor
21. CEB Crank case exhauster breaker
22. CK1,2,3 Cranking contactor
23. COC Cut out cock
24. CKC Main Cranking contactor
25. CKR1,2 Cranking relay
26. CPR1,2 Arc separation rectifier
27. CVR C-valve relay
28. DBB/DEB Dust blower breaker/ Dust Exhaust breaker
29. DC Direct current
30. DLCB Dome light circuit breaker
31. DLW Diesel locomotive workshop Varanasi
32. DMW Diesel Modernization workshop, Patiala
33. DMR Dead men’s relay
34. ECC Eddy current clutch coil
35. ECP Engine control panel
36. ECS Engine control switch
37. EH Electro hydraulic
38. ETS1,2,3 Engine temperature switch
39. ERR Engine running relay
40. ESLP Engine start lamp
41. ESR1,2, 3,4 Engine speed relay
42. FP Feed pipe
43. FPB Fuel pump breaker
44. FPC Fuel pump contactor
45. FPM Fuel pump motor
46. FS21-26 Field Shunt Contactor
47. FSR Field Shunt Relay
48. FIP Fuel Injection Pump
49. FL Flasher Light
50. FTTM Front Truck Traction Motor ( Blower)
51. GFC Generator Field Contactor
52. GR Ground Relay
53. GRS/GRCO1,2 Ground Relay Switch/ Ground Relay cut out Switch
54. GFCO Generator Field Cutout Switch
55. GFOLR Generator Field Over Load Relay
56. HLB Head Light Breaker
57. HL Head Light
58. HLPR Head Light Resistance
59. HP Horse Power
60. IRAB1 Indian Railway Air Brake System
61. Kmph Kilometer per hour
62. LA Load Meter
63. LAS Load Ammeter Shunt
64. LCP Load Control Potentiometer
65. LPB1,2 Cab Light Circuit Breaker
66. LWS Low Water Switch
67. MH Master handle
68. MB1 Main Battery Breaker
69. MB2 Main Control Breaker
70. MCB1&2 Master Control Breaker
71. MCO Motor Cutout Switch
72. MFPB1&2 Master Fuel Pump Breaker
73. MR Main Reservoir
74. MTR Manual Transition Switch
75. MU Multiple Unit
76. MUSD Multiple Unit Shutdown Switch
77. NCI Normally Close Interlock
78. NOI Normally Open Interlock
79. OPS Oil Pressure Switch
80. OSTA Over Speed Trip Assembly
81. PC Power Contactor
82. PCS Pneumatic Control Switch
83. P1,31,21,2,32,22 Parallel Power Contactor
84. PDR Power Diode rectifier Blower
85. PWM Pulse Width Modulator
86. R1&2 Radiator Fan Contactor
87. RCD Reverse Current Diode
88. REV Reverser Contactor
89. RFCB Radiator Fan Circuit Breaker
90. RH Reverser Handle
91. RPM Revolution Per Minute
92. RTTM Rear Truck Traction Motor ( Blower)
93. S1,31,21 Series Power Contactor
94. SAR Safety Auxiliary Relay
95. SAR1,2,3,4,5 Speed Adjusting Rheostat
96. SR Signal Relay
97. SLP Signal Lamp
98. SH Selector Handle
99. SPM Speedometer
100. TA Traction Alternator
101. TG Traction Generator
102. TH Throttle Handle
103. TM Traction Motor
104. TR Transition Relay
105. TRP Transition Panel
106. TSC Turbo Super Charger
107. TSSR Transition Speed Sensing Relay
108. TET Transition ExcitationTransformer
109. VCR Voltage Control Reactor
110. VRP Voltage Regulating Panel
111. WW Wood-Ward
112. WSR Wheel Slip Relay
113. WSRR Wheel Slip Relay Resistance
114. TCR Température control Resistance
115. MPCB Microprocessor circuit breaker
116. PLPB Pre-lubrication pump breaker
117. ADB Analog distribution box
118. RDB RPM distribution box
119. EXPR Exciter Generator Protection Relay
120. AGPR Auxiliary Generator Protection Relay
121. CMR Compressor relay
122. AFLR Auto flasher light Relay
123. VCD Vigilance control device
124. VCDR Vigilance control device Relay
125. SLBR Self load Box relay
126. MVR Magnet valve Relay
127. TANGI Traction alternator neutral to ground current sensor
128. BANGI Battery negative to ground current Sensor
129. EOT Engine oil temperature sensor
130. BATI Battery current sensor
131. AAT Ambient air temperature sensor
132. MRPR Main Reservoir pressure sensor
133. TMAI Traction motor armature current sensor
134. TAAI Traction Alternator armature current sensor
135. APR Altitude pressure sensor
136. TAV Traction Alternator voltage sensor
137. EXAI Exciter generator armature current sensor
138. EXFI Exciter generator field current sensor
139. LCPV Load control potentiometer voltage sensor
140. EWT Engine Water temperature senser
141. ESS Engine Speed senser